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Data Strucutres Lab 2 Guide

Posted on:October 13, 2023 at  (3 min read)

Lab 2 is tough for some students. These are some helpful tips to do well.

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First, unzip the folder and place it into your IDE. We will be using Donovan’s replit as the starting code. Put the content of this file into your main.cpp

The code is fine*, I have my opinions on how this should be ordered. At least rename the output ofstream properly.


Make sure you understanding how (output >> data) is working. It takes one word at a time. Use that information to get the right info in.

Getting into a modular state

A big issue of a lot of programs is that they have no clue what actually works. Students come in with 500 lines of code not knowing if getting the input actually runs. At this point, you should be able to run the code and see that it cout prints the file everytime you run the test file.

Use this feedback loop to drive your structure.

List basics

This is a sample structure to a good program. You could have everything in one file, however it is good form to structure the list into a header file and another file to implement the code.

List Header file:

A header file is a way to structure a class.



#include <iostream>

#include <fstream>

#include <string>

using namespace std;

struct Node


string value;

Node *next;


class LinkedList



Node *head;

Node *tail;

int length;




head = nullptr;

tail = nullptr;

length = 0;


void insertAtPos(string data, int pos);

void insertAtHead(string data);

void insertAtTail(string data);

void removeAtHead();

void removeAtTail();

void removeAtPos(int pos);

void print(int pos, ofstream &output);

// for testing

void printList(ofstream& output);



List implementation.

This is where you should do the majority of your work. I will give you the printList which is a useful method to use to see the state of the linkedList at every command.

Put a call to the method inside the main while loop.

#include "LinkedList.h"

#include <iostream>

#include <fstream>

#include <string>

#include <sstream>

#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;

void LinkedList::printList(ofstream &output)


output << "Printing List! ";

Node *temp = head;

while (temp != nullptr)


output << temp->value << " ";

temp = temp->next;



Good luck!

This should give you the basics to develop lab2 in a modular way. You should able to find out when one function does not work properly.