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Revamp meeting 3!

Posted on:November 8, 2023 at  (2 min read)

Howdy Revamp to another week of coding! Let us talk about what we expect at the end of this semester.

Table of contents

Open Table of contents

Expectations and hopes


By the end of the semester, we are expected to replace with

We would like everyone to have done meaningful work to show off by the end of the semester, so coordinate with me if you want to work on a page or a component.

Kanban board is here or check out the issues here


My hope is that we can work together to make sure everyone has done enjoyable and meaningful work that can be put on their resume! My hope is that by the end of this semester, you will become better web developers! Yippie!

Conventional Git Commits

We have a little trouble with meaning git commit messages. (I am also guilty) Funny commit image We want to follow conventional commits styles, so Sample commits will look like this!

git commit -m "feat: create new home page"
git commit -m "style: lint/format code"
git commit -m "docs: add info to readme"
git commit -m "build: add new package x"
git commit -m "fix: prevent users from breaking prod"

Learn more about conventional commits and Angular style commits


Link to the design If you are developing a new piece, let me know. Otherwise, stick to the old site where we can add small tweaks!

Code repo

Link to the repo Work on code, address issues in the repo, send pull requests.